Monday, November 25, 2013

Week 23: Get Plenty of Rest and Lots of Fluids (November 25)

Apparently the 2.3 Liters of water and 16 ounces of milk I was getting each day wasn't enough.  This week I managed to get sick and dehydrated enough to cause a handful of contractions and other various symptoms.  All is well now, after a long weekend of rest, gatorade, and pampering from my husband.  We have a regular appointment tomorrow morning (November 26).  This week Biscuit has been especially active.  He actually created waves in my stomach one morning big enough and for a long enough time for Michael to see. 

I recently discovered the best site ever, Zulily! I went slightly overboard on the ridiculous graphic onesies and other goodies and this is only the first shipment out of many.

We met with family this weekend in Charlotte and Mike and I got to meet his little cousins for the first time.  Michael finally got the hang of holding the baby...after I took him and calmed him down and handed him back.  To be fair, he was pretty fussy with everyone at one point or another, even with me.  I also learned that Michael has NEVER changed a diaper in his entire life which amazes me.  I changed my first diaper at 11 years old.  He has a lot of practicing to do so everyone with babies needs to bring them over for him to take care of.  

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!  Don't get too cold out there.  Just bundle up like Little Buddy and I did today.

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