We were told that the doctors would be very surprised if Biscuit waited until March to make his appearance. Well, it was now March and Biscuit was still hiding out. Early Sunday morning I was woken up by some very painful contractions. That was at 3am. I tried to sleep from 3-4 with no success. So from 4-5 I counted contractions. They were 5 minutes apart and about a minute long each! I called the labor line, spoke with the doctor, and he told us to come on in. I woke up Michael and we headed to the hospital. We arrived around 7am and waited for our doctor to come in at 8am. He checked me out and said I was 3cm dilated and 70% effaced, which was very early labor. He had us walk the hall on and off for 2 hours and then checked me again. We were still 3cm dilated, but now 80% effaced and my amniotic sac was bulging. Dr. Gunter said that although I was technically in labor that this stage could take forever, especially for first time moms, so he sent us home and said to call back when my water broke or my contractions were 3 minutes apart. He said he wouldn't be surprised to see me back in that night. The nurse expected me back.
Monday morning (yes, these doctors were hitting home runs with their guesses) I had a scheduled NST and a check with Dr. Gaines. We hoped after the check that he would send us strraight to the hospital. Unfortunately, Dr. Gaines decided I was only 2cm dilated and 80% effaced. He told me that I was not in labor and to go home and rest. *sigh*
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