Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Week 3: No Rest for the Weary (March 25)

Biscuit is eating constantly!  Every 1.5 to 2 hours during the day and 3 hours at night.  He finally fits in the Carter's newborn sized layette sets and body suits, but we still haven't found any socks that stay on.  His favorite thing seems to be his WubbaNubs.  He won't take a regular pacifier but he LOVES these.  To suck on, chew on, or just hold on to.

We had our first bath this week.  Charlie was not a fan.

We visited Great Grandma Smith for the first time this weekend.

Today (March 25th) we went to the pediatrician for Biscuit's 3 week appointment.  Charlie did not enjoy this.

We found out that he has grown!  He is 7 pounds 5.2 ounces, 19.75 inches, and his head is 34 cm around. He is only in the 6th percentile for height and weight, but he is in the 40th percentile for head size.  

We are slowing getting to the point that we can function smoothly as a family.  It is a wonderful feeling.  

I was asked by a few people to mention in my blog what we needed for Biscuit.  We have slowly gotten most everything, but we could still use a few more bottles (on the amazon wishlist) and WubbaNubs (amazon, buybuyBaby, and BabiesRUs have them).  Other than that we need gift cards to purchase the big things like the high chair and exersaucer/bouncer and stuff for the later stages in life like bowls, plates, spoons, cups, and freezer trays for food.  The freezer trays are on amazon and all the other things are at buybuyBaby I think.  Thank  you so much for following our story!

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