We had our first ultrasound this week, and we got to meet Dr. Anderson. He was kind of a goofball but I liked him. My practice has several OBs and we have to meet them all before we get to choose one to stick with. That way we will know the doctor that is on call the night Biscuit makes his in person debut. The first half of this appointment was meeting with the prenatal coordinator and setting up a pregnancy game plan. We learned all about what I can and can't eat and what medicine I can and can't take and all sorts of other rules. We got a big goody bag of prenatal vitamins and a ton of literature and forms. Next it was on to the ultrasound. Dr. Anderson checked my chart and saw that I was calculated at 10 weeks. He assured us if I was that far along we could see the baby through the belly instead of the more uncomfortable way. He plopped some gel on my belly and slid it around and and proclaimed that I was NOT 10 weeks along. So, on to the more uncomfortable method. He searched and searched and finally found something that made him sigh with relief. He said, "I was beginning to think I'd never find it, but here it is!"
Hmmm. Here what is?
And we saw it after he circled it for us. Our little Biscuit. Biscuit was only measuring at 6.3cm which put me at just over 6 weeks along. Which means I was only 3 weeks pregnant when I got my positive test, which means Biscuit had only really been alive for about a week then. Pregnancy starts at ovulation now, apparently. Then we got to hear the sweetest sound ever.
That is Biscuit's heart beat.
I was relieved for the moment. I would have at least one stress free day before the worrying began again. He also showed us my ovaries. Completely free of cysts except the one providing hormones to Biscuit. Huzzah!
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