YAY! The day is finally here. This week we got to see Biscuit again and find out if we were having a boy or a girl. The first half of the appointment was spent in the serious ultrasound room with the ultrasound tech. She checked out all the body parts and declared the baby healthy aside from genitals and face.
Here is the healthy, four chambered heart beating at 150 beats per minute.
Here is a foot
Here is the body, but facing the wrong way.
Biscuit was not cooperating. Biscuit moved everywhere and all over the place except for where we needed Biscuit to be. Finally, Biscuit looked straight at us.
And we knew that Biscuit's face was forming normally. Still, no genitals. The ultrasound tech actually took my belly and shook it, which is quite uncomfortable because you have to do this with a full bladder. She told us we may have to come back if he didn't show us the goods. After what seemed like forever she showed us what apparently was what we were looking for.
Do you see it? I guess I might. I'm not sure. But, Biscuit is a boy! Michael could not be happier. I had no real preference, but I do have lots of practice with a baby boy now. Yay!
The next half was with Dr. Gaines, who might be my favorite. He, too, brought up my weight and we discussed my diet and exercise plan and he told me that I was the "picture of perfect pregnancy health" and that some people are just genetically predisposed to gain more weight than others. He didn't think I needed to worry too much about gestational diabetes, but it isn't off the table. He says that women who take as big of an interest in their health as I have tend to have very healthy outcomes, whether or not they gain a few extra pounds, and tend to spring back faster after delivery. Did I mention I love him? He also answered my insane paranoia questions without referring me to a therapist. He did tell me my questions were crazy (in more scientific terms) but he answered them and told me not to worry too much and that he looked forward to hearing my next outlandish question. I have come to the conclusion that male OBs are better than females. One female called me crazy and the other called me fat. I'm sure they were nicer and more PC than that, but that is what I heard in my crazy hormonal mind.