Friday, April 25, 2014

Week 7: Calm After the Storm (April 22)

This week we finally got some relief from Biscuit's tummy troubles.  We found the magic combination of Probiotics, time, and cuddles.  We are all much happier and much more rested.

Over the weekend we traveled to Charlotte to meet Great Mamaw Edmondson and Great Aunt Debbie for the first time.

He was such a good traveler!

On Saturday Grandma Sheila stopped by with some Easter treats for Biscuit.

And we all took a nice long nap that afternoon.

On Sunday the Easter Bunny visited Biscuit for the very first time!

He had a visit with the pediatrician to check out his tummy troubles, so we got a weight this week.  Nine pounds and 6 ounces!!  He is getting so big!  Thanks for checking in with us!  See ya next week!

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Week 6: Colic Colic and more Colic (April 15th)

Not a lot of pictures taken this week. Biscuit and I were tired and cranky.

 We spent most of the week baby wearing and troubleshooting his tummy issues.

We did have a lovely weekend with his godparents.

And Biscuit had his first play date with a pretty little girl born just 10 days after him.

Our poor little guy did ok over the weekend but just couldn't hold it together once the week started and we spent some time cuddling and trying different things from burping to bicycling the legs and everything in between.  We are starting probiotics and fingers crossed they help.  If not we will be heading to the pediatrician.  Wish us luck!

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Week 5: Belated Baby Shower (April 8)

This week Charlie got to go to his own baby shower and he turned one month old! Some items of note, he flipped over from his belly to his back for the first time on April 4th and I think he may finally be smiling at us because he is happy, not just gassy!  Oh, and Michael and I got to go out on a date all by ourselves while Grandma Rose babysat!

I am currently being screamed at and have to keep replacing a Wubbanub so the rest of this post will just be pictures.  Enjoy!

Baby shower at the Old English Tea Room in Wake Forsest!