Sunday, February 23, 2014

Week 36: Ouch (February 24)

So this week has been relatively calm, minus the fact that I cannot walk without pain somewhere.  Hips, pelvis, abdomen.  I guess Biscuit is has decided to stay locked and loaded for a few days, because usually when I get this pain it goes away after lying down.  This week it just keeps getting worse and worse.  Tomorrow I have a lovely invasive appointment at my OB and they will tell me if I'm effaced and dialated and they will check Biscuit's position.

We have managed to get most of the final touches done in the nursery, including hanging some artwork and installing the camera for our monitor.

Molly is a big fan of the planet mobile.

We also got our repair kit for the stroller, since I found out it was recalled the second I hit send on the registration page.  Now we don't have to worry about finger amputation!  Hooray!

We now have exactly one month until the original due date, and I don't know if I can make it that long with my sanity.  I cried yesterday trying to put my underwear on.  Things that get dropped end up staying on the floor until Michael comes in the room.  I cannot control my cravings and honestly I don't want to.  I will eat 3 Cadbury Creme Eggs in one sitting if I want to and you can't stop me.  Here's to hoping the next few weeks pass by quickly, and that my specialist was right and my due date was miscalculated!

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