Monday, November 24, 2014

Month Eight (October 5th to November 4th)

Wow, I'm super late.  Anyways...

Our little man is 2 thirds of a year old!  Holy cow! He can crawl, sit unassisted, roll all over the place, and pull himself up to stand.  Needless to say I have suddenly become much busier.

This month we celebrated Grandma Rose's birthday with a trip to the beach!

Of course, we had to stop by the aquarium.

We also celebrated Biscuit's first Halloween!

Charlie also took his first trip to the happiest place on earth this month!

We think he may grow up to be a wrestling champ.

All of these new milestones he is hitting have made it incredibly difficult to photograph him, but here is a selection from our 8 month shoot.  Enjoy until the next time I remember to update!