Sunday, February 23, 2014

Week 36: Ouch (February 24)

So this week has been relatively calm, minus the fact that I cannot walk without pain somewhere.  Hips, pelvis, abdomen.  I guess Biscuit is has decided to stay locked and loaded for a few days, because usually when I get this pain it goes away after lying down.  This week it just keeps getting worse and worse.  Tomorrow I have a lovely invasive appointment at my OB and they will tell me if I'm effaced and dialated and they will check Biscuit's position.

We have managed to get most of the final touches done in the nursery, including hanging some artwork and installing the camera for our monitor.

Molly is a big fan of the planet mobile.

We also got our repair kit for the stroller, since I found out it was recalled the second I hit send on the registration page.  Now we don't have to worry about finger amputation!  Hooray!

We now have exactly one month until the original due date, and I don't know if I can make it that long with my sanity.  I cried yesterday trying to put my underwear on.  Things that get dropped end up staying on the floor until Michael comes in the room.  I cannot control my cravings and honestly I don't want to.  I will eat 3 Cadbury Creme Eggs in one sitting if I want to and you can't stop me.  Here's to hoping the next few weeks pass by quickly, and that my specialist was right and my due date was miscalculated!

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Week 35: The Waiting Game (February 17)

Another snow week, another rescheduled appointment.  This time I scheduled it BEFORE the storm hit.  I had yet another non stress test, and everything was fine, but they typically take me off the test early because of how often he moves and they couldn't this time.  He has to move 3 times during the 20 minute test.  He usually gets there in less than 10 minutes.  This time the doctor came in after 10 minutes expecting to take me off early as usual and he had to do a double take.  Biscuit was not cooperating, so we had to complete the whole 20 minutes.  Luckily he started to dance when the doctor checked on us the first time so we passed.  Dr. Gunter told us that if I went in to labor now he wouldn't stop it, which is wonderful news.  It means the threat of hospitalized bed rest is off the table, minus the possibility of getting the flu.  (Get your shots, people.  Not just for you, but also for the people around you.) We discussed my concerns, which used to be of having a too tiny baby, but now has morphed in to worrying about carrying the baby to term and having a gigantor baby.  He said not to worry, and that he expects me to have an average sized baby.  I'm still wary, seeing as how he now weighs around 6.5 pounds and if he stays in until the original due date that gives him 5 more weeks to grow at what could be as much as half a pound a week!

After our appointment Michael headed to work, only to be let out at 1pm and get caught in the snowpocolypse traffic.  He finally finished his typical 20 minute commute at 4:30.  He did get the day off the next day, which was nice, but he was up at normal time to head to work Friday morning.

Friday evening was a very interesting evening for us.  My Braxton Hicks contractions have been really amping up lately and Dr. Gunter told us to call the Labor line if I had more than 6 an hour.  While I was relaxing on the couch watching Iron Chef America I realized that I was having quite a few contractions.  Between 7pm and 8pm I hadn't counted regularly, but it seemed like more than 6.  So I counted from 8pm to 9pm and got to 5, and a couple of them were painful and definitely felt like Biscuit was pushing down.  So I counted again from 9pm to 10pm and had TEN contractions! Only 3 or 4 had pain and pressure, though.  Just to be on the safe side we called the Labor line and the nurse had Dr. Anderson call us back.  Dr. Anderson is the most relaxed and carefree of all the doctors.  We talked and he said, "You should probably just take a benedryl and go to sleep.  If the contractions keep you up, call back." So I went to bed but did not take a benedryl.  I thought I was tired enough to not need it.  I was wrong.  The contractions did slow down when I got in bed but they didn't go away.  When I finally drifted off I ended up waking up every hour with another contraction, but one an hour does not a baby make so we stayed home.  I am still having dozens of Braxton Hicks contractions a day, but the real labor contractions only come every 1 to 2 hours, so for now we wait.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Week 34: A Visit to the Specialist (February 10)

This week we had 2 appointments with 2 different doctors.  I had my typical Friday morning non stress test and on Tuesday we headed to Rex hospital for an appointment with the high risk maternal and fetal medicine specialist.  We got more ultrasound pictures! We do love seeing Biscuit move around.  The 2D pictures weren't much to look at because he is so squished up from running out of room!

The 3D pictures, although kind of distorted and a little creepy, were much better.

Biscuit and I are both healthy and he is growing well.  A nice big 5.7 pounds they say! According to their charts my due date is closer to March 14th than March 24th.  They showed us his lungs and we watched him practice breathing for a few minutes.  He is pretty much ready to go whenever he wants, but I'm still not sure if they will let me deliver right away if he wants to come again.  I need to remember to ask that.  The specialist did tell me to ask my doctor if I could have some activity each day because she does not care for bed rest.  After our appointment Michael took me out for a special treat!

Friday morning's appointment was fairly routine, although I did have lots of questions to ask this time.  I have been feeling pretty yucky and having more and more contractions that are starting to develop a little pain and pressure, but according to my doctor that is going to keep happening and will probably only get worse until Biscuit comes.  I asked him about having a little activity and he agreed that I could have 30 minutes of light activity TWICE each day! How exciting!

I am still receiving cards and phone calls and they mean so much to me.  I know you are getting tired of reading this, but thank you again to everyone for your support.

Here are this week's belly shots:

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Week 33: The Nursery is Ready (February 3)

We have finally gotten everything in place for Biscuit, minus the baby monitor, but he will be sleeping upstairs in the cradle at night and downstairs in the pack n play during the day so that can wait.  There are definitely still a few things I want to have, like more than 3 burp cloths, but it is so nice to know that if he were to come today we would be ready.  The car seat is installed properly in the Civic and our suitcase is packed with everything for me, Michael, and Biscuit.

 My doctor appointment on Friday was short and sweet, which was nice because I was a work-in since my earlier appointment had been canceled due to snow.

Standard non stress test and a Q and A session with the doctor, where, of course, all my concerns were answered with, "Yep, that happens." Next week I ramp it up with 2 doctor visits.  One on Tuesday at Rex with the UNC Healthcare Maternal and Fetal Medicine High Risk Specialist to get an ultrasound and see how much Biscuit has grown and make sure he is still thriving in his environment.  The other is another standard non stress test with my regular doctor on Friday.

We are still receiving gifts in the mail and cards with words of encouragement and they really do mean a lot.  They also bring a bit of excitement to a day of monotony during the week.  Thank you so much!